Thursday, May 13, 2010

Oh no! Not ANOTHER mommy blog!

I was recently surfing the web, when I accidently came across “Meet Up" groups and other Tampa Bay Mommy/Kid/Family/Let’s-plan-an-activity groups. While scanning posts of countless forums from “Grandma Arrested For Slapping Mouthy Teen” to “Spray Ground Picnic Days” I found most of the people in these groups were signed “Mommy Blogger” and I hadn’t a clue as to what a mommy blogger was. Well after countless hours on the all trusting Google, I have found that mommy bloggers are moms that probably have a little too much time on their hands who post regularly about their children’s achievements, milestones and family activities. While I may sound a little cynical here, I am not judging anyone as I consider myself one of those moms who sometimes have just a little too much time on my hands especially when there is no one to chat with on Facebook and all my crops are harvested. (Insert smiley face here) There is no prouder a moment in a woman’s life when she sees her children succeed, whether it be success from the cut of that very first tooth or the success of honor roll or a nice sliding homerun in the bottom of the 4th. Women, as sentimental as we are, want to spread all of our pride and joy our children bring into our lives by whatever means we can. Technology has allowed us to share each milestone with thousands of people should we so choose, from the next door neighbor to a long lost college friend who now lives on the other side of the country or the world for that matter.

However, I do not want to be labeled merely as a mommy blogger. It seems so limiting and cliché. I do not want to be just another woman/mommy/wife who writes about her day to day life with her 4 fantastic, although most times hectic children and her moody husband. A woman who is on most days just happy to get through without ending up on an episode of snapped. Hmmm maybe that does sound interesting… just kidding, they always get caught. I really do love my darling husband, but let’s face it there are those days that we need every bit of inner strength we can muster up just so we do not snap off on them. And when that unfortunate moment does arrive, (you know the one ladies, where we have bottled up so much frustration and aggravation that we finally blow and spew out 6 months worth of issues all into one very long, loud and aggressive rant) it is usually in the worst place possible, and we end up looking like Kate Gosslin in the Toys R Us episode of Jon & Kate Plus 8. Needless to say, it is not pretty!

Anyhow, I will be the one who blogs about mommy things, community things, humanity things, entertainment things, political things, religious things, controversial (those are the best) things, and whatever else that happens to be on my mind or in the media. Disclaimer: Warning I usually do not follow the popular opinion, instead I stir up trouble debating people on the basis of morality and principles of any given topic. All that being said, Welcome to my Blog!

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